Gantry Kids & Teens is about creating opportunities for kids to learn important life skills. It can be flexing muscles in leadership, risk taking, courage, managing expectations, experiencing nervousness, being a part of a team, communicating what you need, and even being a friend. All of our programs, especially our Camps, and After School allow our athletes to play freely without adult intervention. It’s in these moments that children learn the skills needed to become well adjusted, empathetic, and successful adults.
Fitness is our platform. Coach directed classes and play are also essential in our philosophy. Box jumps, rope swings, and hanging upside down on the rings are just a few ways to initiate growth, individually and as a team. When a child succeeds at the task at hand, whether with a little coaching or on their own, they have the magical ability to let it transform their entire lives. They leave the gym with a skip in their step ready to take on the world! If only adults did the same. The added bonus of being physically fit makes Gantry Kids & Teens a winning equation!
Want to join the fun?
Find out all about the programs we run and see what fits best for you!
And then there are the teens! Although our Pre-Teens and Teens Classes are structured a bit differently, the philosophy stays the same. We are committed to the personal autonomy of each of our athletes. We are each responsible for the choices we make, whether it’s showing up on time effectively strategizing a workout, giving ourselves a pass when it gets too hard, or PRing a lift, we live with the results. Our aim is to give our teens a taste of what’s possible and have them choose for themselves which path to take, showing them that hard work pays off and sometimes being a little uncomfortable is worth the pot of gold at the end.
No matter what age, or what program your child participates in, they will get the best of us in any moment. Gantry Kids & Teens is about empowering young people to face the world! We hope you are too!
Reach out to us using the button below!
Want to join the fun?
You'll meet the coaches, your child will join a class, and you'll experience Gantry Kids with no obligation or strings attached. We're looking forward to welcoming you to the gym.
46th Road, Long Island City, NY, 11101